Newest Paddy Power Job Opening: Head of Trump Betting

paddy power trump betting

Irish betting site Paddy Power took to LinkedIn this morning to post its latest job opening: Head of Trump Betting. Yes, that is the official job title and it does indeed describe exactly what Paddy Power’s next hire will be doing at Paddy’s Dublin office.

The LinkedIn job posting explains that Paddy Power is looking for one candidate whose sole responsibility will be managing all Trump-related wagers, keeping up with the constant news cycle that revolves around Donald Trump and coming up with new and unique specials. But take note Trump-specialists: the gig is classified as a three-month contract position so it might not be long before you find yourself on the wrong end of another Trump classic: “you’re fired!”

Paddy Power explains in the job listing that they saw a huge demand on 2016 election markets and have decided to take it a step further with even more Trump wagers moving forward. Paddy Power has already published more than 100 specials related to Donald Trump and will be adding even more once they find the right person to lead the all-new Trump betting division.

Although the job listing does not specify any requirements regarding political views, the tone of the post certainly makes it clear which side of the fence Paddy Power stands when it comes to the Donald Trump Presidency. In fact, you’ll only have to make it to the second sentence before they spell it out:

“We want to make American politics great again. Because, let’s face it, there’s no chance Trump will.”

Following the huge demand on the back of the 2016 US Presidential Elections, we are looking for a Head of Trump Betting to manage our newly launched ‘hub’ of specials around the President. We’re looking for a marriage of more convenience than Donald’s to Melania…”

If you’re surprised by Paddy Power’s willingness to take a political stance in these highly contentious times, well, just remember Donald Trump did cost them more than $4.5 million in payouts when he defied the odds to beat Hillary Clinton and win the Presidency.

This came after Paddy Power took the unprecedented step to issue more than $1 million in early payouts to Hillary voters on the assumption she would go on to win the Presidency. In all, Donald Trump has cost Paddy Power more than $5.5 million to date. This has already been a very expensive presidency for Paddy Power and Trump has barely been in office for three months.

So, will Trump end up costing Paddy Power even more money now that he’s running things over in the United States? Only time will tell, but apparently, they’ve smartened up enough to know it’s time to hire an expert so they don’t end up with more “very, very expensive egg” on their faces.

Hopefully their next hire will also help them get the odds right and stay on top of the news a little better this time around. However, it doesn’t seem Paddy Power has learned from one key mistake they made the last time around: maintaining a company culture that shares exactly one point of view. If you read through their original job posting, you’ll see why they probably won’t be attracting too many Trump supporters to fill this new role.

The powers that be at Paddy Power may want to consider hiring someone who takes the opposite point of view so they don’t fall for the same trap many Americans did prior to the 2016 election – that is, being so insulated from alternative points of view that the mere thought of Hillary not winning was simply inconceivable. It was that kind of thinking that put Paddy Power on the hook for such big payouts after Trump upset the odds on election night.

On the other hand, maybe this is all just clever marketing from what is by far the cheekiest bookmaker on the internet. Paddy Power may have paid out more than $5.5 million to Trump backers, but one news report published just two days before the election noted that more than $130 million had been traded on US election markets at Betfair alone (and note that Betfair merged with Paddy Power in 2016 to form Paddy Power Betfair plc.).

Newest Trump Betting Markets at Paddy Power

Undeterred by November 9th, Paddy Power has doubled down on its Trump betting markets with the release of even more specials that range from the tame to the absurd. Some of these are perfectly normal wagers such as “will Trump serve two terms” while others are decidedly out there such as “will Donald Trump ban Irish people.”

In all, there are more than 100 markets on offer at Paddy Power already – and these were published well before they even announced they were looking for someone to fill the “head of Trump betting” position.

Online Trump bets are currently organized into seven categories within the political betting area at

  • Domestic Policy
  • Foreign Policy
  • Trump Mexico Specials
  • Trump Russia Specials
  • Trump Family Specials
  • Trump Impeachment Specials
  • Trump Other Specials

Each category has its own mix of tame and absurd wagers. Let’s take a look at a few from each category just for fun. Note that these are just a few examples of many.

Domestic Policy

Will Trump serve a second term?

  • No: 2/5
  • Yes: 13/8

What will Trump ban during his first term?

  • Guns in any American state: 5/6
  • Abortion: 3/1
  • Gay marriage: 6/1
  • Gay adoption: 7/1
  • The burka or hijab: 12/1
  • The Quran: 20/1
  • The theory of evolution: 50/1
  • Black voting rights: 300/1
  • Women’s voting rights: 300/1
  • Stairs: 500/1
  • Irish people: 500/1

Obama wiretapping Trump special

  • US Congress inquiry to officially declare that Obama ordered a wiretap of phones in Trump tower: 5/1

Foreign Policy Specials

Will Trump withdraw the US from the UN?

  • Yes: 7/1

Will Queen Elizabeth ban Donald Trump from the UK?

  • Yes: 20/1

Will Trump sue Paddy Power?

  • Yes: 50/1

Trump Mexico Specials

Will Trump begin building a wall between the USA and Mexico in 2017?

  • Yes: 1/5

Will Trump grant dual US nationality to all Mexicans?

  • Yes: 300/1

Trump Russia Specials

Will Trump and Putin receive joint Nobel Peace Prize?

  • Yes: 25/1

Will the FBI confirm Trump/Russian collusion in 2016 election?

  • Yes: 7/1

Trump Family Specials

Which will end first – Trump’s marriage or his time as President?

  • Time as President: 1/10
  • Marriage: 5/1

Will Trump marry for a 4th time as President?

  • Yes: 16/1

Trump Impeachment Specials

Will Trump be impeached during his first term?

  • Yes: 5/4

What will Trump be impeached for?

  • Tax evasion: 3/1
  • Bribery: 10/1
  • Perjury: 12/1
  • Treason: 16/1

Trump Other Specials

Physical Appearance Specials

  • To confirm he’s had some form of hair surgery: 2/1
  • To surgically enhance his penis: 16/1
  • To grow a Hitler mustache: 150/1
  • To dye his hair red, white and blue: 200/1
  • To surgically enhance his hands: 500/1

Will Trump convert to Islam?

  • Yes: 50/1

Will a Donald Trump sex tape be leaked online in 2017?

  • Yes: 14/1

Will Donald Trump come out as gay in 2017?

  • Yes: 100/1

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